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DIN17102 EStE380 Steel Plates are used in Construction of Bridges, Highway Construction and Other Engineering construction
DIN17102 TStE380 Steel Plates are used in Construction of Bridges, Highway Construction and Other Engineering construction
WStE380 structure steel plate can be used in automobile, boiler, electricity, mechanical, gas cylinder, chemical, offshore and oil service.
DIN17102 StE380 Steel Plates are used in Construction of Bridges, Highway Construction and Other Engineering construction
EStE355 steel plate is mainly used in automotive industry, aviation, aerospace, petroleum, chemical, BOILER AND PRESSURE, ship industry.
DIN 17102 TStE355 steel plate/sheet,DIN 17102 TStE355 steel plate/sheet, under DIN standard, we can regard TStE355 steel plate/sheet as fine-grain structural steels, normalised rolled steels.DIN 17102 TStE355 is mainly used as ine-grain structural steels, normalised rolled steels.
Din 17102 weldable normalized fine grain structural steel plate WstE355 is mainly used in Germany industry. Gnee roll steel grade WstE355 completely according to DIN 17102.When delivery of structural steel plate WstE355,our mill would issued the original mill test certificate under format EN 10204 3.1 type.In MTC,there should be main elements chemical composition,mechanical property and the result of the basic and additional test.Steel grade,dimension,mill’s logo and heat number or batch number shall be hard stamped on each steel plate.
IN17102 StE355 steel plate/sheet, under DIN standard, we can regard StE355 steel plate/sheet for boilers and Pressure Vessels steels.DIN17102 StE355 steel plate/sheet is for boilers and Pressure Vessels steels,it is a normalized steel plate and sheet which is mainly used for building pressure vessels and boilers and pipes for hot liquid.
DIN 17102 EStE315 Automobile structure steel plate
EStE315 structure steel plate is commonly used in automobile, boiler, electricity, mechanical, gas cylinder, chemical, and oil service.
Tel : +86-15508683101
WhatsApp : +86-15508683101
Address:Block A, West Jin Times Central Square, Huaiyin District, Jinan City, Shandong Province